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2007-12-11 - 15:54:14
Tibia 8.1 ! We released the new multiclient and an update for Blackd Proxy
Download them at
If you get any kind of bug because this new tibia update then please report them by email to
Official reseller
2007-11-20 - 13:44:40
We now have a supported polish reseller at Polish people can feel safe buying there.
After some months of sucesfull trades we have decided to give full support to this site. This is good for everybody.
Phone payments
2007-11-17 - 14:34:45
We had to do a slight increase in the price of Blackd Proxy by phone.
Now the phone call will cost 3,5 euros instead 3 euros.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
We only recommend phone as a last option in case that you can't use any other payment method.
Update required
2007-11-02 - 01:43:38
Counterattack against the DDoS in progress.
We changed lots of settings here so you will need to update Blackd Proxy to 9.630 or it won't be able to connect to this server.
You can download it here:
Details on the DDoS
2007-10-26 - 17:05:23
The hacker seems to be the same person that is hacking tibia servers.
He seems to be a young person from Brazil and he seems to be sending UDP packets through irc protocol from lots of hacked -zombie- computers.
The power of his DDoS flood is rated at a total of 12,3gb/s, an outstanding flood attack that is able to disrupt entire host farms
Expert host administrators are taking actions about this issue right now.
That hacker is playing with fire and he will get burnt.