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2011-04-04 - 15:50:02
We have temporally disabled phone payment method.
TibiaVrec by gold
2011-03-04 - 16:48:27
TibiaVrec can be bought by gold again. We still miss chars for a few servers, but it be available for all servers again in few days more.
TibiaVrec by gold temporally disabled
2011-02-15 - 17:41:20
The option of buying TibiaVrec by gold is temporally disabled.
We are building a new list of chars to handle such payments.
(The old TibiaVrec chars got ban because Adam used a strange bot to level them and it resulted to be an unsafe bot)
Maybe safe again
2011-02-09 - 18:01:53
We keep fixing a few last things that were detected as cheat. Blackd proxy will not attempt to loot corpses at stairs anymore! I think after this last fix it is now completely safe, but we still need to do some more tests.
About Spain
2011-02-03 - 13:02:28
Daopay told us that there is an important risk in accepting phone payments from Spain so we have temporally disabled phone payments from Spain.
Sorry for the inconvenience.