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2012-03-07 - 14:13:00
Now you can buy premiums 30 days by phone in our web.
Please be warned that paying by phone is VERY EXPENSIVE and it is only intended for people with outstanding phone discounts.
Buying tibia gold
2012-02-24 - 18:13:56
For a limited time, we are now buying tibia gold from players: Details here
Daopay disabled
2012-02-09 - 12:24:14
Daopay method is disabled in our shops until they fix a big problem they have at this moment.
You can still use ZAYPAY. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Improved worldtrades
2012-02-02 - 17:11:38
We have improved our worldtrade system. It should now give very low fees and fair trades, always considering the stocks and the pvp types of the servers involved in the trade.
2012-01-31 - 13:00:29
We fixed a problem with the tibiaVrec recorder. Please redownload it again if it was not working for you.