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2009-10-02 - 02:52:49
We are updating our tools for Tibia 8.52
So far we updated:
- Blackd Proxy
- Tibia Multiclient
We will also update our free tools soon, dont worry.
Edited: Blackd Proxy 15.8 should be now stable
Tibia bank accepted
2009-07-09 - 13:48:16
Our Tibia gold shop now also allow delivery by tibia bank (because now our banker chars doesn't have to risk their lifes going out of depot for that)
You can enter the shop here
Summer update - Tibia 8.5
2009-07-01 - 13:25:44
We updated everything to be compatible with Tibia 8.5
Related blackdtools forum thread:
Please be aware that first days after update Blackd Proxy might give problems in new zones or when using new features. Please report any bug to
New antiban features
2009-06-10 - 00:40:27
We released Blackd Proxy 15.3 with some important changes. We still can't guarantee it 100% safe, however we hope that this new features will help to decrease the chances of being detected.
Check the changes here:
Another mass ban
2009-05-06 - 20:38:14
Another mass ban, and all bots were hit in same way as we could see in a poll. It is still unknown how they are detecting that, but we will keep investigating.
This is the link to the poll (independient source) :