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2009-02-06 - 13:31:01
We are proud to be the first bot company to release an update after the black Friday!
Blackd Proxy should be now less detectable.
Check what our update contains:
Please note that we still will add more anti detection features soon. We still can't guarantee 100% safety right now!
I should add that it would be great to have some people only botting new characters with this updated bot as it will show the safety of it in the next mass ban day.
Black Friday
2009-01-30 - 16:24:15
Yes, today Cipsoft banished 4959 accounts for cheating.
It looks like some users of main bots were punished (ng/blackd/elfbot).
We are investigating what they consider a solid proof of botting.
At this moment we only have theories about how it works.
Please check this thread:
I am also working on several small updates that will help against any detection attempt. It will be probably ready in less than 1 week.
Anyways cheating will be still risky until someone discover how the autodetection function works exactly.
(Even with an updated bot) the risk of punishment for cheaters will be always there. Yes, you know that we do our best to decrease that risk as much as possible, but please keep botting only at your own responsability, only if you accept that the risk of punishment is there.
Cipsoft don't want to see the fact that -with more or less risk- people will always keep cheating, and cheaters are the 80% of their customers. We know that they will continue giving bans to random parts of their customers as example, but everybody knows that banning the 100% of the cheaters would leave an empty game or a really boring game with really few players.
Welcome magebot
2009-01-29 - 18:32:54
Blackd Tools is happy to announce the addition of Magebot to complete your arsenal of tibia tools. It can be purchased at
If you have a Blackd Proxy account then you can get your disccount code at
In addition we will be improving the core of blackd shortly with several new features and we will add a button that links with magebot (if installed)
Stay tuned.!
We also have a new forum for Magebot! You can post comments about this here:
Instant delivery by paypal (for Blackd Proxy lics)
2009-01-23 - 18:09:35
If you buy Blackd Proxy by Paypal if will be now instantly delivered.
Try it now if you have paypal and you want a new account or you want to extend your account right now without waiting:
Please understand that this automation was an important initial step. This will save us a lot of time that we will use for making new features soon. We also have plans to spread some promo codes for disccounts (in a near future)
New era coming soon...
2009-01-18 - 20:03:19

We are working with other programmers in order to offer our customers the ultimate warbot solution. Expect advanced instant artificial intelligence in practice during wars. You won't need to think. The bot will give best solutions and it will kill your enemies directly very fast, in the smarter way and in the best possible order.
We only started the work and we might take some time. It might be a slow fusion of knowledge, but we are sure that this will be good for everybody.
We will work hard to keep the safety of our tools. We know that some people might be worried about that, but you can be sure that we will not let any evil code here! We will also help our future partners with the security of their servers.
The details of this project will remain secret for now, but you can start dreaming...
I will start a forum thread to talk about this: