Free Tools

Here is the current list of downloads available for free. All them follow a generic MIT license.
All the tools include source code. Most of them are available at GitHub. We allow our community to fix and improve all of our tools there. Anyways every single change needs to be analyzed and approved by us.

Cheating will be very risky or not possible at all in some Tibia servers.
You might get your Tibia account deleted ater using this software.
We only recommend using our software in bot-friendly ot servers.
You are only allowed our software under your own exclusive responsability.
The author won't be responsible for any kind of remotely possible damage that any of my tools could make in a direct or indirect way.
If you do not agree then you are not allowed to use our tools.


You can contact me by email about tools (doubts/requests/etc),
but I have very few time, so I decided that (in this kind of questions) I only will answer to people who makes donations.
You can can send donations by paypal.
My paypal account:
Always include a recent donation proof in your message and please wait around 24 hours for answer.
Note: This does not mean I will write any code for a donation! I will just answer you and I will tell you the price in case you are asking me for something that requires more than 5 minutes.

We recommend you to avoid using our tools in official Tibia servers (Cipsoft servers).

Tool NameInformation LinkV.FileV.TibiaReal Tibia?InsertedDownloadsDOWNLOAD LINK
Blackd Hotkeys blackdhotkeys.php 2.0 ALL YES 2017-03-19 25657
Blackd Guardian blackdguardian.php 2.0 ALL YES 2017-03-21 10205
Blackd VIP blackdvip.php 1.6 11.20 YES 2017-03-13 5278
Common Installer : VB6 dlls and ocxs commoninstaller.php 2.0 ALL -- 2006-09-04 5491
Blackd Tibia Multiclient newtibiamulticlient.php 10.99 7.6 - 10.99 NO 2017-03-08 263842
Blackd Proxy (source) blackdproxy.php 43.1 7.6 - 11.10 NO 2017-03-08 50709
Blackd Proxy (installer) blackdproxy.php 43.0 7.6 - 11.10 NO 2017-02-21 200649
Blackd Safe Cheats (source) bsc.php 2.4.0 7.6 - 10.99 NO 2017-03-08 15951
Blackd Safe Cheats
bsc.php 2.4.0 7.6 - 10.99 NO 2017-03-08 65857
Safer Tibian safertibian.php 10.99 7.6 - 10.99 NO 2017-03-08 19614
Tibia Music tibiamusic.php 10.99 7.6 - 10.99 NO 2017-03-08 4398
Blackd Renamer blackdrenamer.php 10.99 7.6 - 10.99 NO 2017-03-08 4025
Blackd Light blackdlight.php 10.99 7.6 - 10.99 NO 2017-02-09 10112
Cheatlyzer (source) cheatlyzer.php 1.28 11.00 - 11.11 NO 2017-03-08 892
Cheatlyzer (installer) cheatlyzer.php 1.28 11.00 - 11.11 NO 2017-03-08 1405
TibiaVrec Tibiacam player (installer) tibiavrec.php 9.46 8.52 - 9.46 NO 2012-04-19 2290
TibiaVrec Tibiacam player (source) tibiavrec.php 9.46 8.52 - 9.46 NO 2012-04-19 1488

Download counters started at 27th August 2011, 21:00 CET

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