How to sell your Tibia Gold (Updated 22/Ago/2017)
1. You need to register in our provider system. If you are not registered yet please contact with subject 'Registration'2. Check current payouts
3. Send an email to with subject
WTS TIBIA GOLD , including the list of the gold you want to sell.
4. Wait until confirmation before sending the gold. We might buy all or we might buy a part of your list.
5. After confirmation, you can send the gold to our chars - We will tell you the names by email.
6. Reply to our last email and include the word SENT. Then just wait. We will usually pay you in less than 24 hours. Just be a bit patient.
Note 1: Minimum transactions: You should sell gold at least worth 20 euros total. We will reject transactions with smaller total value than that.
Last change = 22/Ago/2017:
NOTE: I coded a private bot to determine best payouts in a better way. We hope you will like new payouts.
Low stock common servers will get a bonus of +0.4 EUR/1KK up to 10KK while we are low stock there. Please note this bonus does NOT apply to special servers. Please be aware that if you sell more than 10KK in a low stock server, then only the first 10KK will enjoy the bonus and the rest will not have bonus in that server.
Base payouts:
Server | Buying up to | Payout - NON-EUROPEAN SELLERS |
Aethera | 1000K | 3.05 euros each 1000K |
Ambra | 1000K | 1.13 euros each 1000K |
Antica | 1000K | 0.73 euros each 1000K |
Astera | 1000K | 0.66 euros each 1000K |
Belobra | 1000K | 0.64 euros each 1000K |
Bona | 1000K | 0.65 euros each 1000K |
Bravoria | 1000K | 2.33 euros each 1000K |
Calmera | 1000K | 0.66 euros each 1000K |
Cantabra | 1000K | 2.36 euros each 1000K |
Celebra | 1000K | 0.64 euros each 1000K |
Celesta | 1000K | 0.64 euros each 1000K |
Collabra | 1000K | 0.64 euros each 1000K |
Descubra | 1000K | 0.62 euros each 1000K |
Dia | 1000K | 2.88 euros each 1000K |
Divina | 1000K | 2.31 euros each 1000K |
Epoca | 1000K | 0.75 euros each 1000K |
Esmera | 1000K | 0.76 euros each 1000K |
Etebra | 1000K | 2.6 euros each 1000K |
Ferobra | 1000K | 0.71 euros each 1000K |
Fibera | 1000K | 0.75 euros each 1000K |
Firmera | 1000K | 0.76 euros each 1000K |
Flamera | 1000K | 1.61 euros each 1000K |
Gentebra | 1000K | 0.75 euros each 1000K |
Gladera | 1000K | 0.64 euros each 1000K |
Gladibra | 1000K | 0.75 euros each 1000K |
Gravitera | 1000K | 1.23 euros each 1000K |
Harmonia | 1000K | 0.66 euros each 1000K |
Havera | 1000K | 0.71 euros each 1000K |
Honbra | 1000K | 0.71 euros each 1000K |
Inabra | 1000K | 0.71 euros each 1000K |
Issobra | 1000K | 0.71 euros each 1000K |
Jacabra | 1000K | 0.74 euros each 1000K |
Jadebra | 1000K | 0.75 euros each 1000K |
Jaguna | 1000K | 0.98 euros each 1000K |
Kalibra | 1000K | 0.75 euros each 1000K |
Karmeya | 1000K | 0.75 euros each 1000K |
Lobera | 1000K | 0.74 euros each 1000K |
Luminera | 1000K | 0.63 euros each 1000K |
Lutabra | 1000K | 0.71 euros each 1000K |
Malivora | 1000K | 0.75 euros each 1000K |
Menera | 1000K | 0.68 euros each 1000K |
Monza | 1000K | 0.65 euros each 1000K |
Nefera | 1000K | 0.66 euros each 1000K |
Nevia | 1000K | 0.75 euros each 1000K |
Obscubra | 1000K | 0.75 euros each 1000K |
Oceanis | 1000K | 0.68 euros each 1000K |
Ombra | 1000K | 0.73 euros each 1000K |
Ourobra | 1000K | 0.75 euros each 1000K |
Pacera | 1000K | 0.68 euros each 1000K |
Peloria | 1000K | 0.74 euros each 1000K |
Premia | 1000K | 0.74 euros each 1000K |
Quebra | 1000K | 2.25 euros each 1000K |
Quelibra | 1000K | 0.71 euros each 1000K |
Quidera | 1000K | 0.75 euros each 1000K |
Quintera | 1000K | 0.72 euros each 1000K |
Rasteibra | 1000K | 0.75 euros each 1000K |
Refugia | 1000K | 0.66 euros each 1000K |
Retalia | 1000K | 0.75 euros each 1000K |
Runera | 1000K | 0.8 euros each 1000K |
Secura | 1000K | 0.64 euros each 1000K |
Serdebra | 1000K | 0.73 euros each 1000K |
Solidera | 1000K | 0.74 euros each 1000K |
Stralis | 1000K | 2.58 euros each 1000K |
Talera | 1000K | 0.73 euros each 1000K |
Temera | 1000K | 1.9 euros each 1000K |
Thyria | 1000K | 0.71 euros each 1000K |
Tornabra | 1000K | 0.69 euros each 1000K |
Ulera | 1000K | 0.96 euros each 1000K |
Unebra | 1000K | 1.4 euros each 1000K |
Ustebra | 1000K | 0.75 euros each 1000K |
Vandera | 1000K | 1.36 euros each 1000K |
Venebra | 1000K | 0.65 euros each 1000K |
Victoris | 1000K | 2.58 euros each 1000K |
Vitera | 1000K | 2.53 euros each 1000K |
Vunira | 1000K | 0.73 euros each 1000K |
Wadira | 1000K | 0.99 euros each 1000K |
Wildera | 1000K | 0.75 euros each 1000K |
Wintera | 1000K | 0.73 euros each 1000K |
Xyla | 1000K | 0.75 euros each 1000K |
Yara | 1000K | 1.5 euros each 1000K |
Yonabra | 1000K | 0.62 euros each 1000K |
Yovera | 1000K | 0.75 euros each 1000K |
Yubra | 1000K | 0.75 euros each 1000K |
Zephyra | 1000K | 1.26 euros each 1000K |
Zuna | 1000K | 0.76 euros each 1000K |
Zunera | 1000K | 0.57 euros each 1000K |
COMMON TIBIA SERVERS | 200000K | 0.83 euros each 1000K |
If you live in Europe we pay you a bit more. Check payouts for EUROPE