

BlackD Friday promo is back, only until end of November!: Get between 20% and 30% extra gold in your new purchases.
Buy some gold now!


We added new servers to our tibia gold shop: Bombra, Castela, Dia, Etebra, Kardera, Ousabra, Syrena and Vitera.
Buy some gold now!


We fixed an error with Paypal integration. You should be able to pay with Paypal again. Sorry for the inconvenience.


We added new servers to our tibia gold shop: Esmera, Issobra and Nadora.
Buy some gold now!


We updated all our server list after the last server merges.

How to sell your Tibia Gold (Updated 22/Ago/2017)

1. You need to register in our provider system. If you are not registered yet please contact daniel@blackdtools.com with subject 'Registration'
2. Check current payouts
3. Send an email to daniel@blackdtools.com with subject
WTS TIBIA GOLD , including the list of the gold you want to sell.
4. Wait until confirmation before sending the gold. We might buy all or we might buy a part of your list.
5. After confirmation, you can send the gold to our chars - We will tell you the names by email.
6. Reply to our last email and include the word SENT. Then just wait. We will usually pay you in less than 24 hours. Just be a bit patient.

Note 1: Minimum transactions: You should sell gold at least worth 20 euros total. We will reject transactions with smaller total value than that.

Last change = 22/Ago/2017:
NOTE: I coded a private bot to determine best payouts in a better way. We hope you will like new payouts.

Low stock common servers will get a bonus of +0.4 EUR/1KK up to 10KK while we are low stock there. Please note this bonus does NOT apply to special servers. Please be aware that if you sell more than 10KK in a low stock server, then only the first 10KK will enjoy the bonus and the rest will not have bonus in that server.

Base payouts:
Server Buying up to Payout - NON-EUROPEAN SELLERS
Aethera1000K3.05 euros each 1000K
Ambra1000K1.13 euros each 1000K
Antica1000K0.73 euros each 1000K
Astera1000K0.66 euros each 1000K
Belobra1000K0.64 euros each 1000K
Bona1000K0.65 euros each 1000K
Bravoria1000K2.33 euros each 1000K
Calmera1000K0.66 euros each 1000K
Cantabra1000K2.36 euros each 1000K
Celebra1000K0.64 euros each 1000K
Celesta1000K0.64 euros each 1000K
Collabra1000K0.64 euros each 1000K
Descubra1000K0.62 euros each 1000K
Dia1000K2.88 euros each 1000K
Divina1000K2.31 euros each 1000K
Epoca1000K0.75 euros each 1000K
Esmera1000K0.76 euros each 1000K
Etebra1000K2.6 euros each 1000K
Ferobra1000K0.71 euros each 1000K
Fibera1000K0.75 euros each 1000K
Firmera1000K0.76 euros each 1000K
Flamera1000K1.61 euros each 1000K
Gentebra1000K0.75 euros each 1000K
Gladera1000K0.64 euros each 1000K
Gladibra1000K0.75 euros each 1000K
Gravitera1000K1.23 euros each 1000K
Harmonia1000K0.66 euros each 1000K
Havera1000K0.71 euros each 1000K
Honbra1000K0.71 euros each 1000K
Inabra1000K0.71 euros each 1000K
Issobra1000K0.71 euros each 1000K
Jacabra1000K0.74 euros each 1000K
Jadebra1000K0.75 euros each 1000K
Jaguna1000K0.98 euros each 1000K
Kalibra1000K0.75 euros each 1000K
Karmeya1000K0.75 euros each 1000K
Lobera1000K0.74 euros each 1000K
Luminera1000K0.63 euros each 1000K
Lutabra1000K0.71 euros each 1000K
Malivora1000K0.75 euros each 1000K
Menera1000K0.68 euros each 1000K
Monza1000K0.65 euros each 1000K
Nefera1000K0.66 euros each 1000K
Nevia1000K0.75 euros each 1000K
Obscubra1000K0.75 euros each 1000K
Oceanis1000K0.68 euros each 1000K
Ombra1000K0.73 euros each 1000K
Ourobra1000K0.75 euros each 1000K
Pacera1000K0.68 euros each 1000K
Peloria1000K0.74 euros each 1000K
Premia1000K0.74 euros each 1000K
Quebra1000K2.25 euros each 1000K
Quelibra1000K0.71 euros each 1000K
Quidera1000K0.75 euros each 1000K
Quintera1000K0.72 euros each 1000K
Rasteibra1000K0.75 euros each 1000K
Refugia1000K0.66 euros each 1000K
Retalia1000K0.75 euros each 1000K
Runera1000K0.8 euros each 1000K
Secura1000K0.64 euros each 1000K
Serdebra1000K0.73 euros each 1000K
Solidera1000K0.74 euros each 1000K
Stralis1000K2.58 euros each 1000K
Talera1000K0.73 euros each 1000K
Temera1000K1.9 euros each 1000K
Thyria1000K0.71 euros each 1000K
Tornabra1000K0.69 euros each 1000K
Ulera1000K0.96 euros each 1000K
Unebra1000K1.4 euros each 1000K
Ustebra1000K0.75 euros each 1000K
Vandera1000K1.36 euros each 1000K
Venebra1000K0.65 euros each 1000K
Victoris1000K2.58 euros each 1000K
Vitera1000K2.53 euros each 1000K
Vunira1000K0.73 euros each 1000K
Wadira1000K0.99 euros each 1000K
Wildera1000K0.75 euros each 1000K
Wintera1000K0.73 euros each 1000K
Xyla1000K0.75 euros each 1000K
Yara1000K1.5 euros each 1000K
Yonabra1000K0.62 euros each 1000K
Yovera1000K0.75 euros each 1000K
Yubra1000K0.75 euros each 1000K
Zephyra1000K1.26 euros each 1000K
Zuna1000K0.76 euros each 1000K
Zunera1000K0.57 euros each 1000K
COMMON TIBIA SERVERS200000K0.83 euros each 1000K

If you live in Europe we pay you a bit more. Check payouts for EUROPE

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Doing maintenance. Should not take more than 4 hours

Why Blackdtools?

We are the oldest Tibia gold shop: we sell gold since year 2005.
We always give a fast and perfect service, usually in few minutes.
We care for your security and privacy. We will never request your Tibia account. We are a fully legal bussiness that comply with all the applicable laws.

Blackdtools.com © 2005-2023 Daniel Peña Vázquez and Sonia Fernández del Saz. All rights reserved.
Referenced game names and Trademarks are the copyright and property of their respective owners.

Click here to read our terms of service / contact / billing