This is a picture of the events menu:
picture from Blackd Proxy 8.81
1. Call to this telephone ... : this option will ring a phone number if you have skype installed and configure and said below. To use this option with real phone numbers you will need some credit in skype
2. Activate big alarm on autoreconnection: this will give an alarm when you autoreconnect.
3. Character selector: Here you can select to what character all the options here will be applied (except 1 and 2 that are global options)
4. Here you can view what events you have loaded ( = activated) for the selected character.
5. You can select a event list here.
6. Press "Reload" if you recently added a event list to the event folder and it doesn't show on the selector (5)
7. Load events: will load the selected event list
8. Save events: will save current event sin the selected even list
9. Delete selected events: will delete the selected of events in (4) from memory.
10. Delete all : will delete all the events from memory (for the selected characte)
11. Type of event: 0 = something that contains a message ; 1 = exact message
12. Trigger text: the message that will trigger it
13. What channels are allowed to trigger that event. Select at least 1! Read more in <Creating a new event: Message sources>
14. Here you can set some delay before doing the action. If you leave it in 0 then the action will be done instantly as the trigger is activated.
15. Keep this event working even if cheats get paused: This event will work even if cheats get paused by pkalert, gm or anything. Usefull for log to file or redirect message events.
16. Here is the action for the event you are making. It can be a simple message or a exiva command
17. This will add the event to the list. It will be active from that same moment!
18. List of available variables: here is the list of the variables that Blackd Proxy actually can translate.
19. Here you can test how a test line that contains variables would be translated.