When you are making a new event you must select what channels are able to trigger that new event (at least 1 should be selected)
What you check only applies for the new event you are making!
Say: common talk in default (#s)
Whisper: whisper talk (#w)
Yell: yells (#y)
Priv msg: someone private message you with *yourname* message
Channel: common persons channel messages (gamechat,guildchat,trade chat,rl chat, priv chats, etc)
Counsellor message: a counsellor talks in a channel
Counsellor priv msg: a counsellor sends you a special priv messsage
GM to channel: GM talks in a channel
GM priv msg: GM sends you a special priv message
rare gm msg: GM uses a special rare talk mode.
Tutor msg: tutor sends a special message
Monster1: a monster says something
Monster2: a monster yells something
The Unknown channels are channels ID that Tibia seems to don't be using.