First thing to do is either make a new .txt which is for your char in the warbot folder. (Commonly found at "C:\Program Files\Blackd Tools\Blackd Proxy\wargroups") Or add your name onto the existing .Txt's in that folder. It's easier to make a new file like Myserver1.txt once you made the .txt enter it and write the names you want friends enemys etc. Then you can use the warbot functions on those selected people.

Here is the warbot menu:

1. Reloads the list
2. Shows the list of people in Option 6. (Clicking on a diffrent .txt file will load other people into option 6.)
3. Is the outfit changer 1st box is the actual outifit like 112 would be the crab outfit. The next 5 boxes change the colour for outfits that people wear (new outfits included) 1st of those box changes head colour 2nd top body 3rd legs 4 feet and 5th changes the addons for that outfit 1 would be 1st addon 2 would be 2nd addon and 3 would be both addons (1+2).
4. Changes the outfit selected in option 3 boxes to the selected player.
5. This toggles the whole warbot option on (for outfits not Uhbomb)
6. This is where the players from the selected .txts go, It shows all the outfits etc they have selected.

The colour number is reffering to what position it is at so 1 would be white 114 would be black the current box selected in the screenie would be 41 light brown.