Welcome to this new menu:
Now let's see what these buttons do, Indicated by numbers of course!
1. This is a list of who you are currently supporting by auto-uhing.
a) Type your friends FULL name into this box press add and now you are supporting them in auto-uhing!
b) remove, if you highlight a persons name in the list and click remove you will no longer be supporting them in auto-uhing!
c) By clicking on "clear" you will clear your whole list and not support anyone!
a) This will load the selected (.txt) file from your blackd folder,feal free to create your own text!
b) This will save your current list incase of any changes!
4. Now this will heal your friends on the list when there hp is under the selected percent!
5. This will only heal your friends on the list if your hp is above the selected %
6.This will determine how fast you spam uhs 1000ms in 1 second 300 is minimum
7.Healer mode-
a) If this is selected it will only autoheal friends with opend backpacks (a.k.a classic mode)
b) This will autoheal friends with any uh even if backpack isnt opend!
8.Ok everything is set, and ready? You sure? then enable it hit the button and get ready to help your friends!! When selected all functions of UH-BOMB will be released to your desired amount and people!
Have a few practice runs! it's fun!(i recomend ots