You can cast exiva commands anytime in game or you can use them in cavebot scripts or as action for conditional events.
Here is the list:
exiva mcit COMMAND (process COMMAND in all mcs)
exiva autocombo (cast combo order in lastrec channel)
exiva autocombo XX XX (cast combo order in channel XX XX)
exiva screenshot (capture and store screenshot on harddisk)
exiva _abc = value (store value in local var $_abc$)
exiva __abc = value (store value in global var $__abc$)
exiva > XX XX ... (sends hex to server, with auto-header)
exiva < XX XX ... (sends hex to client, with auto-header)
exiva bomb (start the magebomb attack)
exiva turn0 (turn north)
exiva turn1 (turn right)
exiva turn2 (turn south)
exiva turn3 (turn left)
exiva dance (do a circle of turns)
exiva phone X (call phone number X with skype)
exiva log TEXT (add TEXT to log_$charname$.txt )
exiva testsound (activate big alarm)
exiva testding (play ding.wav )
exiva close (closes connection without giving alarm)
exiva relog (close + auto login)
exiva openbp (opens first container of last container)
exiva blueaura (start/stop fast blind autoUHing for Annihilator)
exiva mana (drinks a manafluid)
exiva kill X (melee attack X - stop attack X)
exiva kill (melee attack last targeted in battlelist)
exiva outfit (any outfit mirage change)
exiva uh (this will cast an UH on you)
exiva fastuh (ultra fast UH, no limits)
exiva exp (this will tell you about your exp)
exiva expreset (this will reset the exp counters)
exiva fish (this will cast rod from ammo to water with fish)
exiva pos (gives current position)
exiva plot X,Y,Z (plot mark in given X,Y,Z)
exiva speed (check internal speed)
exiva speed X (sets internal speed = X )
-pos (start-stop position spam write)
-get (start-stop position spam read)
exiva !XX XX (summon tileID XX XX, example: exiva !BB 0D)
exiva !XX XX AA (+amount byte, example: exiva !BB 0D 64)
exiva #XX XX DD (equip item, example: exiva #BB 0D 0A)
exiva all (reveal all mobiles. Required Textual effects ON)
exiva 0TARGETNAME (cast SD to player)
exiva 1TARGETNAME (cast HMM to player)
exiva 2TARGETNAME (cast Explosion to player)
exiva 3TARGETNAME (cast IH to player)
exiva 4TARGETNAME (cast UH to player)
exiva 5TARGETNAME (cast SD to monster)
exiva 6TARGETNAME (cast HMM to monster)
exiva 7TARGETNAME (cast Explosion to monster)
exiva 8TARGETNAME (cast IH to monster)
exiva 9TARGETNAME (cast UH to monster)
exiva B:TARGETNAME (cast Fireball to monster)
exiva C:TARGETNAME (cast Stalagmite to monster)
exiva D:TARGETNAME (cast Icicle to monster)
exiva +0TARGETNAME (all mcs cast SD to player)
exiva +1TARGETNAME (all mcs cast HMM to player)
exiva +2TARGETNAME (all mcs cast Explosion to player)
exiva +3TARGETNAME (all mcs cast IH to player)
exiva +4TARGETNAME (all mcs cast UH to player)
exiva +5TARGETNAME (all mcs cast SD to monster)
exiva +6TARGETNAME (all mcs cast HMM to monster)
exiva +7TARGETNAME (all mcs cast Explosion to monster)
exiva +8TARGETNAME (all mcs cast IH to monster)
exiva +9TARGETNAME (all mcs cast UH to monster)
exiva +ATEXT (all mcs say-execute TEXT)
exiva +BTARGETNAME (all mcs cast Explosion to monster)
exiva +CTARGETNAME (all mcs cast Stalagmite to monster)
exiva +DTARGETNAME (all mcs cast Icicle to monster)
exiva cancel (cancel danger alarms)
exiva pause (pause automatic functions)
exiva pause- (pause all except rune autoheal)
exiva play (resume automatic functions)
exiva view +X (view X floors above you)
exiva view -X (view X floors under you)
exiva lifefluid (drink life fluid)
exiva health_potion (drink health potion)
exiva strong_health_potion (drink strong health potion)
exiva great_health_potion (drink great health potion)
exiva mana_fluid (drink manafluid)
exiva mana_potion (drink mana potion)
exiva strong_mana_potion (drink strong mana potion)
exiva great_mana_potion (drink great mana potion)
exiva ultimate_health_potion (drink ultimate health potion)
exiva great_spirit_potion (drink great spirit potion)
exiva small_health_potion (drink small health potion)
exiva sayt:message (say message in trade)
exiva sell:XX XX:N (sell N items with ID XX XX)
exiva buy:XX XX:N (buy N items with ID XX XX)
exiva turbo (force run in your current direction)
exiva ignore (order cavebot to ignore that target)
exiva resetignores (reset the cavebot ignore list)